Jersey Community


Discussion Forum

The heart of the community.  Talk about anything in your town.

Serve WorldWebs categories on your site for content – Politics – Entertainment – Science & Technology – etc.

Events Calendar

Add and approve events happening in your town.

You can also include events from other communities close to you.

Business Directory

Provide a free directory for local businesses.  You can add businesses yourself or approve businesses who have submitted their info.


Send out an email out to those who want to get updates on what’s happening in town and on the community.

WorldWebs Classifieds

Job Market

User from all over the state use us to find a babysitter, nanny, house cleaner and much more,

For Sale

Need to sell something?  Or post a Garage Sale – do it here!

Real Estate

Great place to promote a house for sale or rental.

New Jersey Communities

All the modules you need to start a vibrant community.

Where it all started

You’re not starting out on your own – you’re part of a larger network.


Make money off of onsite advertising.  You determine the rates.


Brainstorm with other town community owners and at the same time – help to improve and request new features to our platform.